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All posts tagged Flooring (45)

Top 9 Advantages of Porcelain Tile Flooring

If you’re interested in renovating with tile, porcelain tile is definitely worth considering. Able to endure heavy foot traffic in both residential and commercial locations, all while keeping their appearance, they are regarded as an ideal choice for flooring applications. Here are 9 reasons why porcelain tiles are a smart . . . Read more

What is Meant by Frost Resistance for Ceramic Tile?

Ceramic tile frost resistance is defined as the ability of ceramic tile to withstand freeze/thaw conditions with minimal effect. The frost resistance of ceramic tile is dependent on the tile’s porosity and water absorption levels. Frost damage can occur when ceramic tiles absorb moisture through their pores, causing the water . . . Read more

How to Choose Grout for Ceramic Tile: Facts & Considerations

Grout for ceramic til𝚎 is a cement-based bonding material used for filling joints between tiles. The space left between tiles is called a grout joint. Grout joints need to be sealed and properly maintained to prevent stains and discoloration. They are very porous. If properly protected, the tile and grout . . . Read more